What is a "Welcome Page"?

The Welcome Page is the highest visibility solution we offer on the Casual Living website. With guaranteed exposure to every website visitor, you can be confident that your message is getting maximum attention. Welcome Pages blend high impact with high visibility - taking over the users screen the first time they visit CasualLiving.com each day. The ad resets and serves again the next day.

Ad Description

The "Welcome Page" is a prestitial ad unit, that serves to all web visitors once per 24 hours.

Casual Living Welcome Page

Ad Specifications

Desktop Size: 640×480 (Max Size 140kb)
Mobile Size: 300×250 (Max Size 40kb)
Color: RGB
Format: JPEG, GIF and PNG

Best Practices

The ad is visible for 15 seconds and then closes - so you'll want to limit any animations to 10 seconds and they should not loop. It's not recommended to try and play video in the Welcome Page ad. Instead, we recommend creative with a video still, play button and CTA that drives traffic to the video on the client's website increasing content consumption and traffic.