How do our "eNewsletters" work?
eNewsletters are the perfect companion to our weekly print publication - promoting the latest news and content that Casual Living has to offer. With more than 15,000 subscribers a less than 10% overlap between our print and digital readership, an eNewsletter sponsorship is perfect for companies looking to align themselves with digital editorial content. All of our eNewsletters are mobile optimized and are an effective way to reach a pre-qualified digital audience.
What are your eNewsletter options?

Casual eWeekly
List Size: 11,168
Open Rate: 13.56%
Average CTR: 11.86%
Casual Friday
List Size: 12,122
Open Rate: 11.98%
Average CTR: 4.93%
Ad Options
Our eNewsletters can feature two ad types:
- Banner ads are great for developing brand awareness and name recognition with our audience. Clients have 100% control of the ad space, which allows ads to be fully branded.
- Content ads can be powerful traffic drivers due to their editorial-like appearance. They typically link to an article or blog post hosted either on our website, or the clients site.
Ad Specifications
- Position #1
- 600x150
- Banner Ad
- Position #2
- 600x150
- Banner Ad
- Position #3
- 400x150
- Banner Ad or Content Ad
- Position #4
- 400x150
- Banner Ad or Content Ad
- Position #5
- 400x150
- Banner Ad or Content Ad
- Position #6
- 400x150
- Banner Ad or Content Ad
Banner Ad Specs
Color: RGB
Format: JPEG, GIF
Content Ad Specs
300×167 image; 8 words max headline; 30 words of body copy; link URL